Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter Everyone!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Well, today I had another migraine to start my day....

I was given a recipe concoction from someone, and boy was it awful.  I was gagging, it was so bad.  It was so frothy and thick, I couldn't even drink it.....  So I went online and looked for other recipes and found one very close, and this one added water and ice!

Well, didn't that make a difference!  I guess it was hard for me to drink it because it's green.  So that part turned me off right there.  But once I drank it, after adding the water and ice, it actually wasn't that bad!  It's an extremely healthy drink, which I'm going to try drinking it everyday.

I'm really sick of having migraines, so I'm ready to try something else, than living on migraine pills, that make me out of it, and sleep!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Ubox Live

Access over 100,000 movies, including movies IN the theaters, Live Sporting Events from all over the world, Pay-Per-View Movies, Adult Entertainment, Children’s shows, and so much more!  Without leaving home!
  • No Monthly Fees EVER!
  • Easy To Use!
  • Unlimited Movies & Shows!
  • Become a Distributor and EARN MONEY!
What are you waiting for!?  Click the link and get rid of your Cable Bills!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hi everyone, and welcome to Lime Deals.....

This is the first blog I'm creating, so bare with me.  If you have any suggestions for me, I welcome them with open arms!  I've been shown this site, from a friend Eric who
uses this site also, so as long as it wasn't Wordpress, I said I'll try it!  Wordpress is not my friend.  hehe

So where do I begin.... hmmm....  Let's see.   I have 2 children, both boys, and I'm married to my wonderful husband Rafael.  He IS the love of my life.  I've never had anyone in my life that treats me like he does.  NEVER.

I started network marketing, a little over a year ago.  I have made so many great people on Facebook, where some have become very dear friends to me.   One is particular is like my best friend.  It's crazy how just talking over the internet, you can hear their laughter and also at times, feel their pain.  Wishing you were there to lift them up and also enjoy their company.

I have to admit, I have been in so many companies it's not even funny.....  I hate the feeling of knowing I've been a "jumper", but that's it.  I'm done playing, and am narrowing down what I want to be involved in, with marketing online.  It took alot of time and energy, to figure it out, but now I know.......  All my life, my jobs have always been training, and managing people.  So when I joined Open Jacket Network,  it really has changed my way of thinking.  First time, being on a google hangout really made me open myself up.  I don't like being on video, and this has definitely helped me overcome the fear of talking in front of people.  Now I'm going to move on and try making my own training videos....  Well....  We'll see.  I know there's nobody there, but knowing that thousands of people are going to see it, makes me nervous.  (Do you like I said thousands?  hehe)

I'm also with a company called ViewTrakr.  ViewTrakr, is all about watching videos and sharing videos, to earn E-gift Cards to your favorite stores.  What a great way to help me with my Christmas shopping for next year!  hehe

Well, off to cleaning, and doing things around the house today.  I think I played on the computer enough...  hehe  There's lot to learn on this blogger, but I'll have to save it for later.  Have a wonderful day!